The Dog Bit Her; It Happened in an Instant
Several adults were in the home, but no one saw what happened or why the dog bit the neighbor’s baby nor what provoked it.
It happened in an instant!
Time stood still and a preventable accident causes an incident. We as humans know who is a friend or foe. To expect your dog to know is beyond reasonable. Dogs should meet as many people as possible during their first six months. If there are no infants, you must take extreme caution when visitors bring a baby or young child into your home. Babies are loud and smell different from a dog. Young children are more audible with high-pitched squeals and erratic movements. These factors can cause disaster if you do not take the accurate precautions.
It also seems that the infant or child is often on the floor with the dog. The dog is unfamiliar with young children. The parent even gives the infant a bottle or a child a small treat. It is a mistake, as it mixes dangerous elements together.
The child looks away; the dog seizes the opportunity for a tasty treat. However, the child turns back just as the dog moves, and the canine bites her in the face. There was never any aggression on the part of the dog. It just happened.
Often people believe that they can watch to protect the child. However, most bites are over before anyone can react to prevent injury. Dogs are fast enough to cause this and the child is likely not. So, while watching the incident, your lifetime friend tells you the dog goes, or they go. Then, they sue you for the permanent scaring your dog caused to the child. It then causes a headache for you and you lose a friend.
This situation is tragic in so many ways. However, if you have canine liability insurance, the financial aspect will be minimal compared to a large claim you are responsible for. It will serve wonders when protecting yourself in the event of an incident with your furry friend.
Keep in mind that most dogs that bite have never bitten before!
About Dog Bite Quote
At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enables us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska & Kentucky. The quote is free and there is NO obligation to purchase!