The Dog Bit In A Second
Encounters with your furry friend can quickly turn sour if your dog bites you or a loved one without warning. Many dog owners report that they were shocked by dog bites and that there were no warning signs.
Sometimes, it’s impossible to see a dog bite coming. There are warning signs for most of the nearly 4.5 million dog bites that happen annually in the US. To keep Fido from chewing on you, here are the top forms of dog bite prevention.
Start Young
Ideally, teaching your dog not to bite starts immediately after birth. All puppies nip and mouth each other and their owners, but it’s never too early to teach your furry friend that this behavior is unacceptable. As you take out a canine liability insurance policy and find the perfect vet, begin correcting your puppy’s mouthing.
Focus on Being Gentle
The best way to keep dog bites from happening is to teach puppies to be gentle. Teach your old dog some newer tricks; Even older rescue dogs can adapt to these techniques. Whenever you’re playing with your dog, they nip you, yelp loudly, or give a stern command to let your companion know that you’re hurt. If your dog stops biting or licking you, praise them.
At first, focus on correcting bites that hurt. Once your dog learns to be gentle, start making the yelping sound whenever it mouths or bites.
Offer a Chew Toy Substitute
Teaching Fido or Rufus to be gentle takes a while. In the meantime, keep lots of chew toys on hand so that you can distract your dog if they try to bite you. Check with your vet and canine liability insurance company about the best toys to protect your dog’s teeth.
Avoid Behaviors That Trigger Biting
Stop a dog bite before it happens. It’s time to think about why dogs bite. Sometimes, it’s a form of playing. In other cases, dogs bite when they’re stressed, scared, or angry.
Learn your dog’s physical signs of being stressed out:
- Tensing facial muscles
- Growling
- Whining
- Sticking tail between the legs
When these signs occur, remove the stressor from your dog’s environment. For example, if a small child is petting your pup and they start growling, move your dog to a separate room for a while.
Talk to a Professional
With some dogs, bite prevention training is simple. If your dog displays any signs of abuse or is just plain stubborn, you might need to hire professional dog training. Then, the trainer can help teach your dog to stop sinking their teeth into your skin.
About Dog Bite Quote
At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enables us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska & Kentucky. The quote is free and there is NO obligation to purchase!