Walking Your Dog: A Loose Child Causes Your Dog to Bite
Walking your dog should be fun. Unfortunately, many things can go wrong. These little things can ruin the day and trouble you and your dog. Therefore, knowing the warning signs of walking your dog down the neighborhood is essential because a loose child can appear out of nowhere and cause your dog to bite them.
The Scenario
Lucy is walking her dog Zed down the street in her neighborhood. Initially, it is going to be a great walk. But Lucy does not see the kids playing outside the fence near the sidewalk. Therefore, she reacts late when one of the kids runs to catch a football and lands right on her dog. Zed reacts immediately and bites the child. Sadly, the child cries out in pain, and an adult immediately runs out of the house. Lucy is in trouble now.
The Claim
The child’s mother claims that Lucy acted recklessly, allowing her dog to bite her child. However, Lucy contends that she minded her own business walking Zed, and the woman’s child ran into her dog. It should be a clear-cut case. Regardless, Lucy still may face a penalty because her dog bit someone, and that someone was a child.
Always mind your surroundings. Lucy was walking her dog when a child collided with her dog. But she also could have taken action to prevent the incident from occurring by switching to the other side of the street. Likewise, the child’s mother could have done more to watch over her child to ensure they were not in danger.
About Dog Bite Quote
At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enable us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska and Kentucky. The quote is free, and there is NO obligation to purchase!